
HEIMISH គឺជាម៉ាកផលិតផលថែរក្សាស្បែក និងគ្រឿងសម្អាងរបស់កូរ៉េខាងត្បូង ដែលផ្តោតលើការបង្កើតផលិតផលដែលលើកកំពស់សម្រស់ធម្មជាតិ។

ត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ថាសម្រាប់ការវេចខ្ចប់តិចតួចបំផុត និងរូបមន្តដ៏ទន់ភ្លន់ ប៉ុន្តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព HEIMISH ផ្តល់ជូននូវផលិតផលជាច្រើនប្រភេទដែលត្រូវបានរចនាឡើងដើម្បីផ្តល់នូវពន្លឺភ្លឺចាំងប្រចាំថ្ងៃ។

HEIMISH ត្រូវបានប្រារព្ធជាពិសេសសម្រាប់ All Clean Balm និង Artless Glow Base របស់វា ដែលបានក្លាយជាចំណុចសំខាន់សម្រាប់អ្នកដែលស្វែងរកភាពស្រស់ស្អាត និងធម្មជាតិ។

19 ផលិតផល

HEIMISH All Clean Green Foam 150g

HEIMISH All Clean Green Foam 150g

This cleansing foam gently removes makeup and impurities, leaving skin feeling clean and refreshed.

HEIMISH Bulgarian Rose Satin Cream 55ml


HEIMISH Bulgarian Rose Satin Cream 55ml

This cream provides deep hydration and nourishment to skin with Bulgarian rose extract, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and healthy.

HEIMISH Bulgarian Rose Satin Hydrogel Eye Patch 60p

HEIMISH Bulgarian Rose Satin Hydrogel Eye Patch 60p

These hydrogel eye patches hydrate and revitalize the delicate skin around the eyes with Bulgarian rose extract, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

HEIMISH Black Tea Mask Pack 110ml

HEIMISH Black Tea Mask Pack 110ml

This wash-off mask revitalizes and nourishes skin with black tea extract, promoting a healthier complexion.

HEIMISH Artless Glow Base 40ml

HEIMISH Artless Glow Base 40ml

HEIMISH Marine Care Algae+Panthenol Eye Cream 30ml


HEIMISH Marine Care Algae+Panthenol Eye Cream 30ml

This eye cream hydrates and nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes with algae and panthenol, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

HEIMISH Marine Care Algae+Panthenol Deep Moisture Nourishing Melting Cream 55ml

HEIMISH Marine Care Algae+Panthenol Deep Moisture Nourishing Melting Cream 55ml

This melting cream provides deep hydration and nourishment to skin with algae and panthenol, leaving it feeling soft, supple, and healthy.

HEIMISH Matcha Biome Hydrogel Eye Patch 60p


HEIMISH Matcha Biome Hydrogel Eye Patch 60p

These hydrogel eye patches hydrate and soothe the delicate skin around the eyes with matcha and probiotics, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
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19 ផលិតផល